West Point-Beemer School Board to meet Monday

West Point-Beemer School Board to meet Monday
September 6th, 2024 | West Point Public Schools

Where LEARNING is the Point!
Board of Education Regular Meeting
September 9, 2024 at 6:30 PM
West Point Public Schools, Media Center, 1200 E Washington St.

  1. Call the meeting to order
  2. Mr. Weddle’s Announcement
    For your courtesy we are offering this meeting to you on Facebook Live.
  3. Welcome
    Roll Call
    a. Notification of the Open Meetings Act – adhered to and published.
    b. Per Policy 2008 – reasonable advanced notification was made of the meeting.
  4. Pledge of Allegiance
  5. Approval of Agenda
  6. Consent Agenda:
    a. Minutes from September 4th meeting
    b. Treasurer’s Report and Claims
    Excuse absent BOE members
  7. Comment or Correspondence
    a. Public Information
    Any visitors wishing to address the board are invited to do so at this time.
    b. Foundation Information
    P2T Information
  • Budget Meeting on the 16th
    • Proposed Property Tax Asking is .008580 down from .0098 last year
  1. Administrative Reports
    a. SPED
  • Project Para
    • The High Ability Learner guidelines are under revision.
    • Indicator 11 Submitted
    • Part B File Review
    b. Elementary School Principal
  • Enrollment—327
    • Assessment Update—DIBELS, MAP
    • Open House—Aug. 12—PK-4 (89%)
    • Picture Day—Aug. 22
    • Grade 4
    o Ag Day—Sept. 11
    o Walk in the Woods—Sept. 11
    • Parent Meeting
    o Kindergarten—Sept. 5
    o Grade 4—Sept. 9
    Middle School Principal
  • Enrollment – 183
    • PLC- Standards prioritization
  • Open House numbers
    • MTSS team meetings
    • MAPs data- Report
    d. HS Principal
  • Enrollment – 227 total
    • Standards Prioritization – ESU2 Support
    o Teachers are utilizing a rubric and guiding questions to fill in a tool, provided by the
    guiding coalition to help determine priority standards. Teachers will then work with
    other teachers to cross reference when possible or go through to determine if this list
    is the most accurate list of priority standards for each class.
    • 9-11 MAPS Testing Data
    e. Activity Director
  • Fall Activities Numbers
    • Bus Evacuations
    • District Competition Requests/Host
    • East Husker Conference Kick-Off Meeting
    • Homecoming Update
    • Parents Nights
    • High Five Fridays
    Superintendent Report
  • AG Project Update
    • Strategic plan next step
    • Safety Drills
    • NASB Area Membership Meeting – Leadership Conference
  1. New Business
    a. Adoption of Proposed Budget
    General Fund/SPED:
    Employee Benefit:
    $ 619,172.00
    $ 616,005.00
    $ 515,000.00
    School Nutrition:
    Special Building:
    Student Fee:
    $ 822,540.00
    $ 871,063.00
    $ 4,701,000.00
    b. Approval of the 2024-2025 Total Tax Request
    (1) the Tax Request for the General Fund should be, $8,855,699.36
    (2) the Tax Request for the Bond Fund should be $631,313.00
    (3) the Tax Request for the Special Building Fund should be $554,344.16
    (4) the Tax Request for the Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund K-12 should be $86,642.38
    Total Proposed Property Tax Request: $10,127,998.90
    To consider the purchase of a 2025 71 passenger bus.
  2. Adjourn
  3. Next Regular Meeting will be October 14, 2024

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