Northeast Nebraska: Flooding wipes out nearly 40 years of no-till farm ground | Fridays in the Field

Northeast Nebraska: Flooding wipes out nearly 40 years of no-till farm ground | Fridays in the Field
June 14th, 2024 | Alex Makovicka

On May 21, 2024, areas around Wahoo, Nebraska received about 11 inches of rain in just three hours.

Although many Nebraskans are grateful for much-needed moisture this spring, farmers like Dan Kellner said it was too much, too fast. Consequently, much of his farm ground, which has been no-till for nearly 40 years, was wiped out.

“We’ve been no-tilling for close to 40 years. We lost so much of that in just a few hours,” he said.

The flooding displaced topsoil, fertilizer and organic matter that’s critical to grow crops. Now, Kellner said they’re trying to figure out where to go from here.

“It’s a mess. we’ve got a lot of work to do.”

Hear more in this week’s episode of Fridays in the Field.


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