Helena Agri-Enterprises Awards Two Nebraskans Ag Scholarships

Helena Agri-Enterprises Awards Two Nebraskans Ag Scholarships
MGN Online/ College Scholarships.
June 12th, 2024 | News Release

Helena Agri-Enterprises is awarding two Nebraska high school students with Homegrown Scholarships worth $1,000 to pursue higher educations in agriculture. Helena’s Homegrown Scholarship is open to graduating high school seniors from 15 states who are majoring in an agriculture-related program.

Ashlyn Boeckenhauer of Wakefield, a student of Wakefield High School entering the University of Nebraska to study animal science

Hudson Prososki of South Osceola, a student of Osceola High School entering Northeast Community College to study mechanized agriculture

Requirements include an essay with a maximum of 300 words on the applicant’s positive impact in their community and an essay with a maximum of 500 words on the applicant’s passion for agriculture and their plan to contribute to the industry in the future. Winners are chosen by Helena location management across the region.

Applications for the Homegrown Scholarship will be available again in early 2025 through school guidance counselors, ag teachers and local FFA chapters in participating states and counties. In addition to scholarships, Helena offers internships to college students across the Midwest every summer. Internship opportunities will be advertised this fall. For more information about Helena, visit helenaagri.com and tune in to the FieldLink® Podcast on YouTube and wherever you listen.


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