Grocery store mind tricks to be discussed at next Northeast Community College Hawk Talks lecture series

Grocery store mind tricks to be discussed at next Northeast Community College Hawk Talks lecture series
Brandon Keller. (Northeast Community College)
October 2nd, 2022 | Northeast Community College

NORFOLK, Neb. – The United States Department of Agriculture reports that consumers, businesses and government entities across the United States spent $1.69 trillion in 2020 on food and beverages in grocery stores and retailers as well as away-from home meals and snacks. 

During Northeast Community College’s next Hawk Talks lecture series, a Northeast Community College agriculture instructor will present insights on the practices behind where money is spent and how consumers are attracted to purchase certain items, among other topics.

“We’ll dive into where the money you spend on food really goes, why food prices fluctuate and how grocery retailers and food marketers work to influence decisions consumers make when it comes to food purchases,” said Brandon Keller. “We’ll also explore the depths of grocery store mind tricks through interactive demonstrations so consumers can be informed and know where their money goes.”

Keller’s Hawk Talks lecture, Grocery Store Mind Tricks, will be held on Thur., Oct. 13, at 7 p.m., in the lower level of Northeast’s Union 73, 801 E. Benjamin Ave., in Norfolk.

It is one of five lectures that are being held in the series this fall. Other topics include, “The History of Halloween,” with Paul Muncy, social sciences instructor, on Oct. 27; “Framing from the Past: Collections and Exhibits at the Small Museum.” with Drew DeCamp, registrar at the Elkhorn Valley Museum on Nov. 10; and “The History of Christmas” with Muncy on Dec. 8. Tom Elliott, English instructor, presented a program on the importance of the humanities.

Hawk Talks are free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served beginning at 6:30 p.m.


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