From wins All-Around Cowgirl Honors at Valentine High School Rodeo

From wins All-Around Cowgirl Honors at Valentine High School Rodeo
May 30th, 2024 | Rebel Sjeklocha

Tacey From of Bridgeport was named the All-Around Cowgirl at the Valentine High School Rodeo May 26th. The honor and buckle were presented to her after impressive performances in multiple events.

From placed fifth in the pole bending, first in the breakaway roping, and placed in the top fifteen in the barrel racing. This successful day came after she placed second in the team roping with her partner, James Drueke, at the Atkinson High School Rodeo the day before.

High School Rodeo has been a big part of From’s life over the past few years. The competitive environment and people in the organization are some of her favorite components.

“My favorite part is the strong competition and having other people push you to do your best,” From said.

From is the youngest of four girls, and says her sisters inspire her to be better in and out of the arena.

“They have great advice. The older they are, the better things they teach me,” From said. “Outside of rodeo, they are always supportive and there to help me.”

In addition to sharing advice, From’s sisters have also shared their horses over the years. From team ropes and pole bends on a bay mare named Patty that has been owned by the family for 17 years. Her breakaway horse, Dolly, was ridden by her oldest sister Tehya at the National High School Finals Rodeo where she placed 10th in the world.

As From looks ahead to the last few regular season rodeos, she hopes to pick up points in her events to propel her higher in the standings.

The Nebraska High School Rodeo Association Finals will take place June 13-15 in Burwell, Nebraska.

Listen to our full interview with Tacey here:


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