Growing organic crops in Nebraska | Fridays in the Field | Ep. 3

Growing organic crops in Nebraska | Fridays in the Field | Ep. 3

Consumer demands across the world are causing a push for organic agriculture. The demand for organic crops created an opportunity for Aaron Zimmerman and his brother to diversify their family farm. The Pierce, Nebraska farm is in the second year of certified organic crop production. The three-year transition from conventional…
Growing grapes in Nebraska | Fridays in the Field | Ep. 2

Growing grapes in Nebraska | Fridays in the Field | Ep. 2

Nebraska agriculture is well known for its row crops like and corn and soybeans, but prior to the U.S. prohibition of alcohol, the state was home to a fairly active grape industry. According to UNL Professor of Horticulture/Viticulture Paul E. Read Nebraska was home to more than 5,000 acres of…