Sell or Store in this Market | 9/28/24 Nebraska Soybean Board Weekly Market Roundup

Sell or Store in this Market | 9/28/24 Nebraska Soybean Board Weekly Market Roundup

The soybean market continues to rise despite lingering uncertainty around yield results. On this week's Nebraska Soybean Board Weekly Market Roundup, Darren Frye with Water Street Advisors and Kyle Bumsted with Allendale break down the latest trade trends. Concerns are growing over Brazil's dry weather and delayed planting, raising questions…
Long Trading Week | 9/7/24 Nebraska Soybean Board Weekly Market Roundup

Long Trading Week | 9/7/24 Nebraska Soybean Board Weekly Market Roundup

It was a risk-off day in the grain and livestock markets, with producers keeping a close eye on cattle and feed costs, worrying about a potential long-term downtrend. On this week's Nebraska Soybean Board Weekly Market Roundup we hear from Shawn Hackett with Hackett Financial Advisors and Kyle Bumsted with…