Lexington girls to kick off the season

Lexington girls to kick off the season

Lexington-The Lexington girls soccer team has new leadership this season as long time assistant coach Jesse Hall takes over for Keith Allen. Lexington went 12-5 last year and advanced to a district final. KRVN's Jayson Jorgensen spoke this week with Hall about the upcoming year. Lexington begins the season on…
Two new K-State wheat varieties will be available to farmers this fall

Two new K-State wheat varieties will be available to farmers this fall

Two new wheat varieties have been released from the Kansas State University wheat breeding program and are being licensed by Kansas Wheat Alliance seed associates for farmers to plant this fall. Hard red winter (HRW) wheat KS Bill Snyder, named after the legendary football coach, will be available in limited…
Dennis Leblanc, 40-year Husker Athletics veteran, named interim AD

Dennis Leblanc, 40-year Husker Athletics veteran, named interim AD

University of Nebraska Interim President Chris Kabourek announced Thursday that he has appointed Dennis Leblanc, executive associate AD for academics, to serve as interim athletic director. Leblanc has been with Husker Athletics for more than 40 years, having joined in 1983 as a member of the track and field staff. He has…
Regent surprised by Trev Alberts decision

Regent surprised by Trev Alberts decision

Lincoln-Not only was most of Husker nation surprised by Trev Alberts decision to bolt to Texas A&M but the University's Board of Regents also had no idea this move was coming. The Rural Radio Network's Jayson Jorgensen spoke this week with Regent Paul Kenney of Amherst.
Walmart continues to invest in new food processing facilities

Walmart continues to invest in new food processing facilities

Walmart recently announced another investment in a new food processing facility. A new milk processing facility in Texas will open in 2026. Walmart said the facility will support nearly 400 jobs in the community and allow the company to meet growing demand from customers. The facility will process and bottle…
Dawson PPD’s board considers finances and safety

Dawson PPD’s board considers finances and safety

Dawson Public Power District’s board held their regular meeting on March 12. During the financial report, Carmen Ackerman, Manager of Finance and Administration, reviewed the 2023 margins. She suggested the district keep the money in an unrestricted account, maintaining the district’s financial standard for available cash. The board discussed short-term…
Consumers are falling in love with American Lamb.

Consumers are falling in love with American Lamb.

February was Lamb Lovers month, and the 2024 ad campaign, “Show Us Your Chops,” reached over 125,000 culinary enthusiasts across three targeted demographics. The campaign helped drive more than 10,000 unique visitors to the American Lamb Board consumer website. Once on the site, visitors learned more about American Lamb, had…