Carson to take over Amherst girls basketball

Carson to take over Amherst girls basketball

Former Kearney high head girls basketball coach JD Carson has been named the new head girls coach at Amherst high school. Carson was a member of the KHS staff beginning in 2012 and was the head coach of the Bearcats for one season before stepping down last fall. He takes…
NU Foundation’s UNK advancement team moving to Regional Engagement Center

NU Foundation’s UNK advancement team moving to Regional Engagement Center

Alumni House will be listed for sale as part of transition KEARNEY — The University of Nebraska Foundation’s advancement team for the University of Nebraska at Kearney, comprised of foundation and alumni association staff, will relocate in late May to the new Regional Engagement Center on the UNK campus.  The Regional Engagement…
2024 Nebraska Soil Health School has successful launch

2024 Nebraska Soil Health School has successful launch

The first installment of a planned 2024 Nebraska Soil Health School series was held on April 24 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln High Plains Ag Lab in Sidney, Neb. The event addressed the semi-arid Panhandle climate and potential management practices for soil health and had over 60 attendees. Water is…
Huskers unable to hang on to lead in loss to Jackrabbits

Huskers unable to hang on to lead in loss to Jackrabbits

Nebraska surrendered eight unanswered runs in the eighth and ninth innings, as the Huskers fell 10-6 vs. South Dakota State on Wednesday night at Hawks Field at Haymarket Park. Nebraska (30-17) totaled six runs, 12 hits and an error, while South Dakota State (18-25) scored 10 runs on 14 hits.…
Farm Rescue mobilizes to aid farmers affected by recent storms

Farm Rescue mobilizes to aid farmers affected by recent storms

In the wake of severe storms, including devastating tornadoes in eastern Nebraska and parts of Iowa, Farm Rescue stands as a beacon of hope for farmers facing adversity. Ben Smith, the Field Operations Manager at Farm Rescue, shared insights into the organization's efforts during a recent interview with the Rural…
Four Huskers honored by Big Ten

Four Huskers honored by Big Ten

Four Nebraska softball players were recognized by the Big Ten on Wednesday when the conference announced its all-conference teams and award winners. Billie Andrews was named to the All-Big Ten first team, Sydney Gray earned second-team All-Big Ten accolades and Samantha Bland was named to the All-Freshman team while Mckinley…
K-State beef cattle experts share tips for raising twin calves

K-State beef cattle experts share tips for raising twin calves

Anyone who’s ever lived in a house with newborn twins knows they can be a lot of work to take care of. When twin births happen in the beef herd, it often brings about special management considerations, say the experts at Kansas State University’s Beef Cattle Institute. Speaking on a…