Nebraska extension seeking growers to participate in potassium (K) field study

Nebraska extension seeking growers to participate in potassium (K) field study
Photo: Nebraska Extension | Farmers are invited to participate in a new UNL-Nebraska Soybean Board study to evaluate potassium fertilization impacts on crop yield.
September 23rd, 2024 | News Release

Nebraska Extension is seeking growers to participate in a study that will evaluate the impact of potassium (K) fertilization on crop yield.

The study is an effort by Nebraska Extension’s Water and Cropping System team and the Nebraska Soybean Board, led by Assistant Professor Nicolas Cafaro La Menza and Professor Patricio Grassini at the UNL Department of Agronomy and Horticulture.

This study will look at three treatments: the “baseline” without K application plus two K application rates. The goal is to identify environments where yield is constrained by K and help to refine the current K recommendations in Nebraska.

Fields of Interest

  • Sandy soils and/or low soil K levels (<200 ppm).
  • Preferably irrigated fields, but rainfed fields may also be eligible.
  • Fields following corn/soybean rotation without history of manure application in previous three years.
  • Fields with history of silage corn, alfalfa or straw removal are desirable (but not necessary).

What Nebraska Extension Needs from You

  • Share yield maps and/or soil tests from previous years (if available).
  • Grant us access to the field(s) selected.
  • Plant these fields as you usually do but, if already applying K, leave a small portion of your field (100 feet wide x 200 feet long) without K fertilizer application.
  • Share management information of the field (variety, planting date, etc.).
  • Once they flag the K fertilization plots, avoid wheel tracks within the flagged area, but make sure the flagged area is sprayed as the rest of the field.

What Nebraska Extension Will Do for You

  • After you plant the whole field, they will do everything: flag the area, collect soil and plant samples, apply the potassium fertilizer treatments and hand-harvest the flagged areas before you harvest the whole field.
  • They will provide you a detailed analysis and report of the data from your farm.
  • They will provide you soil test and grain/seed quality results from the samples taken from your field.
  • They will publish the results through the On-Farm Research Network if you agree.

If you are interested to participate, please reach out UNL Assistant Professor Dr. Nicolas Cafaro La Menza via email, call (308) 696-6712 or contact your local extension educator.


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