National Feeding and Fueling the World workshop stops in Nebraska

National Feeding and Fueling the World workshop stops in Nebraska
June 20th, 2024 | Ella Stiefvater

Nebraska recently became one of the stops for the nationally based Feeding and Fueling the World workshop series. 

Sponsored locally by the Nebraska Corn Board and the Nebraska Soybean Board, the workshop was designed for science teachers by science teachers to learn curriculum emphasizing modern agriculture that they can take back to their classrooms.  

“We know that a lot of our students are not going to be directly working in production agriculture…” said Stacie Turnbull, secretary of agriculture education, “but they’re going to be heavily involved in the outside aspects providing the financial side of agriculture, the precision ag, food processing… as we continue to provide for this growing population.”    

Science content with a focus on agriculture covers topics like biotechnology, soil health, renewable energy like biofuels, and other subjects to help advocate for the role American agriculture plays in feeding the growing world.  

The Feeding and Fueling the World series is facilitated nationally by the Nourish the Future education initiative and will make stops in North Dakota, Wisconsin, and Iowa throughout the rest of the month of June. 

For more information visit  


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