Medical marijuana & school choice measures appear likely to make general election ballot

Medical marijuana & school choice measures appear likely to make general election ballot
Nebraska Secretary of State Bob Evnen (courtesy photo)
September 2nd, 2024 | RRN/Nebraska Secretary of State

Lincoln, Neb. — Nebraska voters will likely have medical marijuana ballot issues and the school choice referendum on the general election ballot in November.

The Secretary of State’s Office said in a media release Friday that the three initiatives have not yet been certified, but have met the signature requirements. Whether they do make the ballot depends on the verification and certification process.

“Our office is providing this update to keep voters informed of where county election offices are in the signature verification process,” Secretary Bob Evnen said in the release. “Election workers are checking every voter’s signature on the remaining petitions, and we will have petitions verified before the September 13 deadline to certify the November ballot.”

The group “Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana” circulated two petitions — One that would allow marijuana for medical use and the other would regulate the medical marijuana industry in the state.

The group came close to getting the issue on the ballot in 2020, but opponents sued, arguing that it violated state rules requiring that ballot issues focus on a single question. They tried again in 2022, but it failed to gather enough signatures.

This fall, people in North Dakota, South Dakota and Florida will consider similar medical marijuana proposals.

Secretary of State Evnen’s release says, Initiative petitions seeking to enact new laws, such as the Nebraska Medical Cannabis Patient Protection initiative petition and the Nebraska Medical Cannabis Regulation initiative petition, need to collect valid signatures from at least 7% of registered voters in Nebraska and valid signatures from at least 5% of registered voters in 38 counties.

The Nebraska Medical Cannabis Patient Protection initiative petition has collected 89,051 valid signatures and has met the 5% distribution requirement in at least 51 counties. The petition has collected enough valid signatures to be certified but has not met the 110% threshold provided under state law to cease verifying signatures. County election offices are verifying the remaining signatures.

The Nebraska Medical Cannabis Regulation initiative petition has collected 89,005 valid signatures and has met the 5% distribution requirement in at least 51 counties. The petition has collected enough valid signatures to be certified but has not met the 110% threshold provided under state law to cease verifying signatures. County election offices are verifying the remaining signatures.

Referendum petitions seeking to repeal a new law, such as the Private Education Scholarship partial
referendum, need to collect valid signatures from at least 5% of registered voters in Nebraska and valid
signatures from at least 5% of registered voters in 38 counties.

The Private Education Scholarship partial referendum has collected 62,042 valid signatures and has met the 5% distribution requirement in at least 57 counties. The petition has collected enough valid signatures to be certified but has not met the 110% threshold provided under state law to cease verifying signatures. County election offices are verifying the remaining signatures.


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