LRHC Board and CEO move forward to work out grievances

LRHC Board and CEO move forward to work out grievances
RRN/ LRCH Board Chair Rob Anderson(center) discusses what he feels is the need to have a Board position as an employer with an employee in the process of working out Board issues with the CEO during the Board’s meeting on Tuesday August 29, 2023.
August 30th, 2023 | Dave Schroeder

Lexington Regional Health Center’s Board of Directors monthly board meeting on Tuesday was fairly routine until agenda items on Information Technology Services and next steps in working with CEO Leslie Marsh in resolving some board member’s concerns. At a special board meeting in early August, the Board adopted a motion to reevaluate Leslie Marsh as CEO of LRHC in six months with the pledge for both the Board and Marsh to work together on the issues they have with assistance from Marsh’s attorney Kent Turnbull as a liaison.

At Tuesday’s meeting Marsh took issue with an agenda item statement that indicated the discussion would involve a “performance improvement plan”. Marsh said the goal set at the previous meeting was not just working on her improvement but, also jointly working together on the issues “that currently face us so that we can get to the work of doing the mission of the Hospital.” Board Chair Rob Anderson stated that the Board has to have it’s position in the dealing of the process as an employer with an employee. Board Member Pam Trampe said her understanding is that it is a “two-way street” with communication and that “Leslie has grievances with us(Hospital Board)”.

RRN/ LRHC CEO Leslie Marsh(right) speaks to Board Chair Rob Anderson on the framework of one of the agenda items from Tuesday’s August 29, 2023 Board of Director’s meeting. Board Member Pat Samway seated on left of picture.

Board Member Pat Samway said “We need to keep this Hospital safe and liability is a big issue as a board member to me”. She described a suggested “performance improvement plan” as “micromanaging the CEO(to the point) that she can not do her job”. She suggested the technology and spending issues could be discussed informally with Administrators. Board Chair Anderson responded that financial matters are not handled “behind closed doors”. Hospital Attorney Jill Jensen quickly interjected that some IT security issues are proper subject for an executive session.

At the end of discussion, the Board approved a motion to create a Board subcommittee with Board Members Tucker Case and Pat Samway, along with CEO Marsh, Attorney Kent Turnbull(Marsh’s liaison), Attorney Torrey Gerdes(Marsh’s attorney) and Attorney Scott Moore(attorney representing the Board) to air grievances of both sides and report to the Board.

The Board also reviewed a six page report prepared by the Hospital’s Finance Department on Information Technology Expenses over the past two fiscal years. The report detailed spending categories and payments to vendors involved.

The report was requested by Anderson. He says he believes the Board benefits from having a little better understanding of “where the dollars go”. Without pointing fingers, Anderson said the Board has had surprises over the past couple years on the expenses. He said that IT matters are complex and they have had a lot of vendors involved including an independent review of some of LRHC’s procedures. He said that the Board wasn’t aware of some spending, which was not inherently wrong, but, at the same time the Board should not be surprised by them.

Anderson added he was not assigning blame but, at a $7 Million “spend” on Information Technology over the two years, they are still seeing some issues. Among them were instability of the system mentioned at the last meeting and there is still not an active email account for the CEO.

The Board received the six-page report and asked the Finance Department to continue to compile such a report on a monthly basis.

At the end of the meeting the Board went into Executive Session to discuss contracts and “security matters and protection of information systems”. No action was taken on either item.


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