Frontier County mother sentenced in sale of drugs

Frontier County mother sentenced in sale of drugs
Courtesy/ Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office. Candy McClain.
May 22nd, 2024 | Dave Schroeder

A 47-year-old Curtis woman was sentenced in Frontier County District Court Wednesday morning for distributing narcotics and involving her daughter in some of the transactions. Candy McClain will spend from 3 years to 6 years in prison. District Judge Patrick Heng gave her credit for 195 days already served while the case was pending. McClain pled guilty to Distribution of a Controlled Substance, which was amended from a charge of Felony Child Abuse. A second charge of Use of a Minor to Distribute Controlled Substance was dismissed.

McClain was arrested in November 2023 following a Frontier County Sheriff’s Office investigation. An Affidavit filed in the case indicates McClain had been abusing her medication and selling it for extra money. On multiple occasions, the report said McClain either sold in the house in front of her daughter or would send her daughter out with the pills to make the exchange with the buyer.

In statements at sentencing, Frontier County Attorney Whitney Schroeder cited past drug-related charges and said McClain was “at high risk to re-offend”. Schroeder said she particularly noted one part of the written statement by the minor child that was subject of the case. The child stated that “She knows she’s putting us in danger and she doesn’t seem to care”.

Defense Attorney Ryan Wilcox said his client had spent a considerable amount of time in jail while her case was pending. He said she had time to reflect on her actions and sobriety. He described it as a nonviolent crime and due to her own addiction.

In addressing McClain, Judge Heng appreciated her comments that she has had the time to think about it and acknowledge that it was wrong. But, he said “the fact that you engaged your minor child in your criminal activity…that is not a mistake that one makes” and “you were putting her at risk, all for your benefit”.

Judge Heng said that McClain could be eligible for parole after serving 1.5 years in prison and eligible for release after 3 years.


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