Eustis Senior and Event Center Hires New Director

Eustis Senior and Event Center Hires New Director
COURTESY/Audra Kobs of Eustis named the new Director for the Eustis Senior and Event Center.
June 3rd, 2024 | Eustis Senior and Event Center

EUSTIS, NE – Audra Kobs has been hired by the board of the Eustis Senior Center to serve as the new director on a part-time basis. Kobs’ duties will include managing the daily operations of the center, handling the billing and paperwork, organizing and advertising the events of the center, coordinating volunteers for activities and bringing the meals, and supporting various needs of our community. Kobs will work Mondays and Tuesdays and will have some float time for the remainder of the week.

Kobs comes to the center with a diverse background of work and volunteering experience. Her event planning work in Omaha, prior to obtaining her teaching degree and teaching for the past 25 years, has been useful for planning events in Eustis since moving there with her husband, Steve, seven years ago. Kobs is in her fourth year as the Eustis Craft Fair Coordinator. She helps get the Summer Reading Program going in Eustis, is the Vacation Bible School Superintendent, garage-sale day coordinator, and the Eustis-Farnam Student Council Advisor.

Over the course of her career, she has coached many sports, led many clubs, held many leadership roles, served on church boards, and participated in volunteer organizations. Kobs’ Spanish Club in Blair volunteered over 2,000 hours in just over two years at an assisted living community, this is one of her proudest teaching accomplishments.

Kobs has already been volunteering time at the rebranded Eustis Senior and Event Center but will take over officially upon her retirement from teaching in May. “I’m excited for this opportunity to serve another population in my community. I hope to organize activities that bring people in to use the facility while fostering the social needs of our seniors. I would love to see some intergenerational programs take hold,” she said.

Kobs grew up in Tekamah and started her teaching career there. She earned her undergraduate egress and several minors at Dana College and her master’s degree from Doane University.

Kobs has two granddaughters living in Eustis and a son living in Chicago. She and her husband own farm ground south of town and have a small cattle operation. In her spare time, she enjoys walking, reading, spending time at the beach, decorating, and caring for her three grandchildren who brought her to the Eustis village.


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