Columbus, Imperial agribusinesses receive $1.3 million in USDA grant funding for labor workforce

Columbus, Imperial agribusinesses receive $1.3 million in USDA grant funding for labor workforce
June 14th, 2024 | Alex Makovicka

Two Nebraska agriculture businesses are receiving grants for the USDA Farm Labor Stabilization and Protection Pilot Program. 

According to a news release, Daniels Produce in Columbus will receive $1.2 million in funding. The business is a 900-acre vegetable farm and currently has 180 farmworkers. Daniels Produce said their grant will enable them to continue hiring and retaining employees in the U.S. and when necessary, recruit H-2A workers in Guatemala and Honduras. 

In addition, DCN Farms Joint Venture in Imperial will receive $100,000. DCN Farms The business said they will use the award to support the well-being and overall working conditions for their employees, including offering bonuses and implementing a Weekly Housing Maintenance Plan.

In total, the program is awarding $50 million to 141 awardees in 40 states and Puerto Rico.


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