Sioux Falls, SD – Today, for the third consecutive year, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it is issuing an emergency fuel waiver to allow E15 to be sold during the summer driving season in response to the ongoing impact of the war in Ukraine and the Middle East. For U.S. consumers who are facing rising prices, this action will provide a lower cost and cleaner choice at the pump. American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) CEO Brian Jennings issued the statement below following the announcement:
“We are grateful EPA has once again responded to our requests for a national emergency waiver for E15 which will relieve pain at the pump and reduce pollution from vehicles over the summer months. ACE members pushed EPA to take this action during our DC fly-in last month and nearly 200 of our grassroots advocates contacted President Biden and Administrator Regan this month in support of an emergency waiver before the start of the 2024 summer driving season.
“Earlier this year, the Biden administration finally confirmed E15 can permanently be offered in eight Midwest states, but postponed year-round access in those states until the summer of 2025. Today’s action is an important reminder that higher ethanol blends play a critical part in our nation’s energy security as well as contribute significant climate and air quality benefits. A permanent solution to year-round E15 will ensure these benefits aren’t left to the whim of ad hoc agency decision making in the future.
“The Biden administration has rightfully exercised emergency authority to enable nationwide access to E15 for three summer driving seasons, but ultimately Congress must adopt the bipartisan Nationwide Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act (S. 2707) to ensure continuous access to E15 nationwide.”
More than 95 percent of all U.S. vehicles are approved to use E15 and nearly 3,400 retail sites offer E15 across 30 states. E15 typically costs 5 to 25 cents per gallon less than E10 and 40 cents to $1.00 less than non-ethanol gasolines. E15 also has a higher-octane rating, so allowing its sale gives consumers the option to buy a higher quality product for less money.
U.S. Senator Pete Ricketts (R-NE), a member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, commented on the announcement that the Environmental Protection Agency would issue an emergency waiver to allow the sale of E15 this summer:
“E15 enjoys bipartisan support because it saves drivers money at the pump, cleans our environment, and supports Nebraska farmers and American agriculture. Today’s announcement is a step forward, but our producers shouldn’t have to rely on bureaucratic waivers. Let’s pass Senator Fischer’s Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act and make year-round E15 permanent.”
Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE), a co-chair of the Congressional Biofuels Caucus, released the following statement after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced an emergency waiver to allow E15 sales this summer:
“Restrictions on E15 are outdated and backwards, and the EPA has taken the right action to waive unnecessary red tape as we head into the summer months,” said Rep. Smith. “As a renewable source of energy, ethanol blends help relieve costs for consumers, provide flexibility for producers, and boost American energy independence. While I appreciate the EPA’s announcement, ongoing emergency waivers are not a long-term solution, and I will continue working to advance a legislative solution such as my bill with Reps. Craig and Johnson, the Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act, to provide permanent, year-round access to E15.”
Mark McHargue, President, Regarding EPA Granting Wavier to Allow Use of E15 this Summer:
“We are pleased to again see the EPA grant a waiver to allow for the use of E15 nationwide this summer. Today’s announcement comes on the heels of EPA’s announcement earlier this year to grant a year-round E15 waiver for eight states including Nebraska beginning in 2025. We appreciate EPA’s decision to provide consumers with an affordable and sustainable fuel option, however, it also highlights the need for a permanent solution.”
“It is well past time for Congress to take up and pass the Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act introduced by Nebraska Sen. Deb Fischer and Rep. Adrian Smith, which would permanently allow for the use of ethanol blends higher than E10 nationwide throughout the year. Nebraska Farm Bureau is again calling on Congress to move this vital piece of legislation through Congress and to the President’s desk so that it can be signed into law, ending years of unnecessary regulatory uncertainty.”