DEA plans to back reclassifying marijuana as less serious drug, sources say

DEA plans to back reclassifying marijuana as less serious drug, sources say

(WASHINGTON) -- In a historic shift, the Drug Enforcement Administration supports recommending the reclassification of marijuana as a less dangerous drug, moving it from a Schedule 1 classification, alongside drugs like heroin and ecstasy, to a Schedule 3 drug, like ketamine, steroids and testosterone, sources told ABC News.A source confirmed…
DEA plans to back reclassifying marijuana as less serious drug, sources say

DEA plans to back reclassifying marijuana as less serious drug, sources say

(WASHINGTON) -- In a historic shift, the Drug Enforcement Administration supports recommending the reclassification of marijuana as a less dangerous drug, moving it from a Schedule 1 classification, alongside drugs like heroin and ecstasy, to a Schedule 3 drug, like ketamine, steroids and testosterone, sources told ABC News.A source confirmed…