Are sesame seeds a superfood? Health benefits explained by a nutritionist

Are sesame seeds a superfood? Health benefits explained by a nutritionist

(NEW YORK) -- "Superfood" has become a bit of a culinary buzzword, most often used by brands or influencers to sell more products with possibly empty promises. However, there's a small and mighty contender packed with nutrients that could power an array of potential health benefits and make a great…
Philadelphia health officials are tracking a measles outbreak: What to know

Philadelphia health officials are tracking a measles outbreak: What to know

(PHILADELPHIA) -- The Philadelphia Department of Health is tracking a measles outbreak in the city, with eight confirmed cases as of Monday. Health officials told ABC News all confirmed cases are among non-immune individuals. The health department said it's actively tracking current cases and has listed several known exposure sites…
Red Cross announces emergency blood shortage, calls on Americans to donate

Red Cross announces emergency blood shortage, calls on Americans to donate

(NEW YORK) -- The American Red Cross said Monday it is experiencing an emergency blood shortage. According to the humanitarian organization, it is seeing the lowest number of people giving blood in 20 years. Hospitals are currently receiving blood products -- including whole blood, red blood cells, plasma and platelets…
Respiratory illnesses elevated in 38 states, according to CDC

Respiratory illnesses elevated in 38 states, according to CDC

(NEW YORK) -- Respiratory illness activity is elevated or increasing across most areas of the country, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Some 38 states plus New York City are experiencing "high or very high" levels of respiratory illness activity, according to…
What to know about intermittent fasting: Is it right for you?

What to know about intermittent fasting: Is it right for you?

(NEW YORK) -- If you have a friend who suggests grabbing dinner at 5 p.m., or a co-worker who you see eating her first meal at noon, she is probably doing the latest wellness trend: Intermittent fasting. The idea of fasting is, of course, thousands of years old but the…
How Dry January can help with anti-aging, according to doctors

How Dry January can help with anti-aging, according to doctors

(NEW YORK) -- While Dry January -- giving up alcohol for the month of January -- has been shown to have benefits like better sleep and increased energy, giving up drinks could also help you live longer and look younger, research shows. "Everyone will feel better [after] a month of…