WATCH: Soybeans added to Nebraska TAPS program

WATCH: Soybeans added to Nebraska TAPS program
August 19th, 2024 | Alex Makovicka

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) added soybeans to the lineup of Testing Ag Performance Solutions (TAPS) farm management competitions for 2024.

Chris Proctor, an associate extension educator, shared an update on the soybean addition.

The TAPS program aims to foster interactive real-life farm management competitions to advance profitability and input-use efficiency. The inaugural soybean competition is taking place at UNL’s Eastern Nebraska Research, Extension and Education Center (ENREEC) near Mead.

The project is largely supported by the Nebraska Soybean Board.

Participants in the soybean competition make farm management decisions, including:

  • crop insurance
  • variety selection
  • seed treatment
  • seeding rate
  • planting date
  • fungicide
  • insecticide
  • micronutrient application
  • herbicide decisions
  • marketing

These decisions are implemented on randomized plots within the field at ENREEC. Due to limitations of the irrigation equipment in 2024, the competition does not include irrigation decisions for participants.


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