Tri-City Amateur Radio Club Field Day

Tri-City Amateur Radio Club Field Day
June 1st, 2024 | Media Release

The local Ham Radio Club is hosting a field day event to show off their capabilities and allow the public
to try their hand at operating.

The event will be held at Frank Park, 2813 2nd Avenue in Scottsbluff. The park is located next to Scotts
Bluff High School.

Field day will include a BBQ on Saturday afternoon and working out of the Region 22 Mobile
Command Vehicle. The public will be able to speak with the club members and view antennas used in
operating the radios.

Steven Panattoni is the club’s president and hopes for a good turnout for the field day, “This event is a
contest, but it is also a chance to practice setting up an emergency communication station. Amateur
Radio operators from here and all over the US use this as a readiness exercise to improve skills if an
emergency ever occurs.”.

The Tri-City Radio Amateur Club is in the Nebraska Panhandle, and serves Scottsbluff, Gering,
Terrytown and surrounding areas. The club has even been included in event and emergency response.
“The Ham Radio Operators are a necessary part of our preparedness plan.” Says Ashley Hopkins,
Admin Assistant with Region 22 Emergency Management. “They train on their own, and their
leadership makes it a priority to stay informed on areas they can assist the local community. We would
like to see the club continue to be successful.”

Event information can be found on Facebook: ARRL Field Day

Follow Tri-City Amateur Radio Club on Facebook or contact Steven Panattoni at


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