Scottsbluff’s Discount Fireworks Celebrating 48 Years

Scottsbluff’s Discount Fireworks Celebrating 48 Years
June 27th, 2024 | Ryan Murphy

If you haven’t heard already, firework sales have begun, and retailers are selling their product just as fast as their consumers can swoop them up.

Eric Wilcox and his crew at Discount Fireworks in Scottsbluff are excited because they are now in their 48th year of business.

He says some popular items this year are preloaded artillery shells and a UFO spaceship that takes flight at the end of its show.

Wilcox says over the decades, it’s the little kids who like the simpler things that bring him the most job satisfaction.

“I enjoy the kids picking out the little novelty stuff- the smoke balls, the little tanks that go up and down when you see them rolling them across the checkout stand. It brings me back to when we first started selling fireworks, and that was what I enjoyed as a kid.”

He also says that safety remains imperative for those opting to shoot off fireworks.

Discount Fireworks is located on East Overland in Scottsbluff and is open daily from 9 a.m .until at least 10 p.m. through July 4th.


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