Lexington legend passes away

Lexington legend passes away

 Oxford, Miss- Monte Kiffin the small town kid from Lexington who went on to become one of the most influential defensive coaches in NFL history passed away on Thursday at the age of 84. The University of Mississippi made the announcement. Kiffin was credited with creating the Tampa Two defense…
KNEB.tv News: July 2024

KNEB.tv News: July 2024

Today on KNEB.tv News: Confirmation on another national retailer coming to Scottsbluff's Uptown Scottsbluff mall Gering Council clarifies zoning regulations that would help pave the way for the city's first brewery Terrytown woman found guilty on drug distribution charges Mitchell woman avoids additional jail time following WING Drug Task Force…
Search to begin soon for new state Natural Resources director

Search to begin soon for new state Natural Resources director

A search will soon be underway for a new director of the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources. Earlier this week, Governor Jim Pillen announced that Tom Riley will be leaving his position with the state and transitioning back to the private sector. In a statement, Pillen said he appreciated Riley’s…
Nebraska Football Hall of Fame Announces 2024 Inductees

Nebraska Football Hall of Fame Announces 2024 Inductees

Seven Husker football standouts and a state college All-American comprise the 2024 class of the Nebraska Football Hall of Fame announced Thursday. The 2024 inductees were chosen by members of the Nebraska Football Hall of Fame, which is sponsored by the Nebraska Chapter of the National Football Foundation and the…
103rd Oregon Trail Days starting, with new event added to Sunday

103rd Oregon Trail Days starting, with new event added to Sunday

The 103rd Oregon Trail Days gets underway this evening with the Kickoff Barbecue and Street Dance, held this year around the Gering Civic Plaza. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cozih5Txso Starting at 6 pm, you can get a pulled pork sandwich, chips and drink for $5.00 while you listen to free live music and perhaps…
Midwest Theater 2024-25 Performing Arts season, ticket sales announced

Midwest Theater 2024-25 Performing Arts season, ticket sales announced

The magic of live performing arts is returning to the Midwest Theater this season! Our 2024-25 Performing Arts Season features a fun combination of performances designed to enliven your interest and cultivate enjoyment. With our new student ticket pricing we also hope to see more area children and youth in…
Butler named as assistant with NU

Butler named as assistant with NU

John Butler, a veteran assistant coach with experience in both college football and the NFL, has joined the Nebraska football coaching staff.  Butler will join Head Coach Matt Rhule’s Husker staff as secondary coach and pass game coordinator. Butler comes to Nebraska after spending the past six seasons with the…
Bean Growers Day in Grant is scheduled for August

Bean Growers Day in Grant is scheduled for August

A new event, “Bean Growers Day in Grant,” will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 20, at the Stumpf International Wheat Center in Grant.  “The purpose of the grower's day is to reach out to growers and industry people in southwest Nebraska with valuable current information on dry bean production,” said…
Husker Men’s Basketball Unveils 2024-2025 Non-Conference Schedule

Husker Men’s Basketball Unveils 2024-2025 Non-Conference Schedule

Two matchups against perennial NCAA Tournament teams and the program’s first appearance in the Diamond Head Classic in a decade highlight the Nebraska men’s basketball non-conference schedule released today. The Huskers, coming off a 23-11 season and a trip to the 2024 NCAA Tournament, will play five of their 11…