NPPD: Look Up, Look Out for Powerlines During Spring Planting

NPPD: Look Up, Look Out for Powerlines During Spring Planting
May 7th, 2022 | Media Release

Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) is encouraging farmers to look up and look out for powerlines heading into spring planting season.

As farmers make their way back out to the field for planting season, NPPD is asking equipment operators to be aware of any powerlines located along the fields they are working in to ensure they can complete their work safely. “Planting season is a busy time for many of our customers in the ag community and it’s important that we remind operators the importance of working safely around powerlines,” says NPPD Transmission and Distribution Construction and Maintenance Manager Scott Walz. “Many pieces of equipment have large booms or can sit tall enough to get near powerlines. If equipment gets close, or contacts a powerline, it can cause serious or fatal injury, and can also result in power outages and damage to equipment as well as vehicle electronics.”

If a vehicle or piece of equipment is in contact with a powerline, call 911 or your local power provider and remain inside the vehicle until help can arrive and deenergize the powerline. When a powerline is touching a vehicle, it can electrify both the vehicle and the ground in the surrounding area. If a fire forces you to exit the vehicle, then do so by jumping away from the vehicle, landing on two feet, and shuffling as far away from the area as possible.

NPPD recommends farmers review the following safety precautions before entering the fields to begin harvest operations. Find more information on farm safety at

Each day, review all farm activities and work practices that will take place around powerlines and remind
all workers to take precautions.

 Know the location of powerlines and when setting up the farm equipment, be at least 20 feet away from them. Contact your local public power provider if you feel this distance cannot be achieved.

 Use caution when raising augers or the bed of a grain truck or wagon. It can be difficult to estimate
distance, and sometimes a powerline is closer than it looks. For large equipment, use a spotter to ensure
the equipment stays a safe distance from the line.

 Always adjust portable augers or elevators to their lowest possible level – under 14 feet – before
transporting them. Variables like wind, uneven ground, or shifting weight can cause unexpected results.


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