Man Who Stabbed Lyman Officer Sentenced to Prison

Man Who Stabbed Lyman Officer Sentenced to Prison
Jeremy Torres, photo courtesy SBCDC
October 16th, 2023 | Ryan Murphy

The man who stabbed a Lyman Police Officer with a knife last summer has been sentenced to prison.

Despite being injured, the officer was able to detain 37-year-old Jeremy Torres until mutual aid was able to provide backup and take Torres into custody.

Last week in District Court, he was sentenced to 25 to 30 years in prison for Attempted 1st Degree Murder; 10 to 20 years for Use of a Deadly Weapon to Commit a Felony; 10 years for Witness Tampering; and 10 to 20 years for 2nd Degree Assault on an Officer.

All four convictions carry a ten year mandatory minimum prison sentence .


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