Inaugural USA Cycling Gravel National Championship Kicking Off in Gering

Inaugural USA Cycling Gravel National Championship Kicking Off in Gering
September 8th, 2023 | Ryan Murphy

A world class sporting event will be taking place in Scotts Bluff County this weekend.

The inaugural USA Cycling Gravel National Championships will kick off Saturday morning in Gering, with some of the world’s best cyclists competing.

Aaron Raines, who founded the local Robidoux Rendezvous, says there are two tiers of competitors.

“Our elite field are the professional racers,” says Raines. “It’s all on the line for that $60,000 prize purse and the world championship spots in the 131 mile course.”

He says that the elite course traverses across four Panhandle counties south and southeast of Gering.

“There’s also a 25 mile distance and everything in between. So it’s broken down into age groups. If you’re 11-years-old you’re going to run in that 25 for your National Championship spot. But if you’re in the elite field or the 19-34 age range, you’re going to be in a longer distance.”

The elite field will start at 6:30 a.m. Saturday at 10th and N Street in Gering, with the racers expected to cross the finish line around noon.

Gering will also play host next September as well, and the hope is next year’s race is even bigger.


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