City of Scottsbluff Looks at New Comprehensive Plan

City of Scottsbluff Looks at New Comprehensive Plan
May 24th, 2024 | Ryan Murphy

The City of Scottsbluff is moving forward with a plan to completely rewrite its Comprehensive Plan.

During Monday night’s Council Meeting, members unanimously approved awarding a $136,000 contract to Marvin Planning Consultants.

City Manager Kevin Spencer says this plan will in part highlight the needs and wants of the City and outline how to make those visions a reality.

“You know, one of the things that I expect to find out and what are the recreational needs of the community and what the community wants to see going forward. We might be surprised at some of the support we gain for different projects,” said Spencer. “And one of the big things that they talked about, too, was implementation. And I think we’re all pretty determined to make sure that this is a viable model guide for the city and that we do implement.”

During the last updated comprehensive plan, the 18th Street Plaza expansion was identified as a major project, and just last year there was an official ribbon cutting for that part of the comprehensive plan.


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