Soybean Export Sales Drop Sharply, but Rebound Coming

Soybean Export Sales Drop Sharply, but Rebound Coming

Global demand for U.S. soybeans has fallen sharply as international buyers remain discouraged by the strong dollar, slowing economic growth, and uncertainty over the direction of U.S. trade policy in an election year. Export sales of new-crop soybeans are historically low as the 2024-2025 marketing year begins on September 1.…
UNL, Western Nebraska CC partner in higher education for Panhandle youth

UNL, Western Nebraska CC partner in higher education for Panhandle youth

To meet the needs of the community and students of western Nebraska, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) and Western Nebraska Community College (WNCC) signed a 2+2 agreement, which will aid students in obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education and Skilled and Technical Science Education. “We realize there…
Thirty Nebraskans Selected for Nebraska LEAD Class 43

Thirty Nebraskans Selected for Nebraska LEAD Class 43

The Nebraska Leadership Education/Action Development (LEAD) Program has announced the selection of 30 individuals who will join the program as Fellows of Nebraska LEAD Class 43. Over the next two years, they will participate in a rigorous curriculum designed to enhance their leadership skills, broaden their understanding of domestic and…
Pillen, NDA taking action on lab-grown ‘meat’ products

Pillen, NDA taking action on lab-grown ‘meat’ products

Thursday, Governor Jim Pillen announced three initiatives that he, along with the Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) would be undertaking now and in the future, to protect the state’s agriculture industry, as well as consumers, from lab-grown meat. Standing before a group of producers at Oak Barn Beef in West…
U.S. Soybean export sales drop to historic low

U.S. Soybean export sales drop to historic low

Global demand for U.S. soybeans has fallen sharply as international buyers remain discouraged by a strong dollar, slowing economic growth and uncertainty over the direction of U.S. trade policy in an election year. Export sales of new-crop soybeans are historically low as the U.S. enters the 2024/25 soybean marketing year…