Scottsbluff businessman and his company honored by Nebraska DHHS

Scottsbluff businessman and his company honored by Nebraska DHHS
Nebraska DHHS CEO Dr. Steve Corsi, right, joined Arthur’s Pizza owner Dave Thiele, right center, Store Manager Jesse Cooper, left center, and DHHS Developmental Disabilities Division Director Tony Green, left, for the award presentation Monday (Miller/KNEB/RRN)
April 2nd, 2024 | Scott Miller

Officials with the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services made a stop in Scottsbluff Monday to personally recognize the efforts of a local businessman to hire employees with developmental disabilities.

DHHS CEO Dr. Steve Corsi was joined by Tony Green, Division of Developmental Disabilities Director, giving Arthur’s Pizza and owner Dave Thiele a 2024 Creative Employer Award.

Green noted that Thiele and his business work diligently to hire those with developmental disabilities. “He has several people with disabilities who work for Arthur’s Pizza. He identifies people’s strengths and provides opportunity for them to soar,” said Green. “One employee with autism is a manager and has learned how to open and close the business. Dave trusts him to do his job, and because of Dave’s support, this manager has been able to purchase his own home. Dave says employment is not always smooth, but glitches can always be fixed.

Thiele’s drive to hire staff with developmental disabilities goes back a dozen or more years, which he says was piqued by the local organization People First.

“Ever since I became aware of that, it’s just really struck a chord with me, I mean, because that’s how, you know, not just… Everybody, whoever you are, you know, we all have strengths, weaknesses, whatever it (is), we’re all people. People first, and that I’ve really kind of carried that as a mantra since I heard about it,” Thiele said.

Thiele said across the board, he treats all his employees the same and with respect no matter their background, and the reward for his business is a loyal staff with low turnover.

The award was one of only three handed out across the state as part of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.


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