New Year: A Balanced Approach to Resolutions

New Year: A Balanced Approach to Resolutions
CREDIT: Pexels
January 9th, 2024 | Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services

The start of a new year signals a time for reflection, change, and setting resolutions for the next year. While this can bring inspiration and motivation to some, it can also cause individuals to feel pressure to make big resolutions or have high expectations. Remember that the new year does not have to be a time for huge life changes. By making small changes and goals, you can focus on putting your physical and mental wellness first while taking steps to create healthy habits in your life.

“As we begin this new year, it is common to feel pressure to make big goals or set high expectations. Try to lessen the pressure on yourself and remember that everyone goes at their own pace,” said Tony Green, Interim Director of the Division of Behavioral Health with the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. “I encourage you to take a balanced, positive, and empowering approach to your goals this year while taking it one day at a time. Nebraskans of all ages can benefit from adding healthy habits into their daily routine.”

Here are a few healthy habits to consider adding to your daily routine this year:

  • Sit less and move more. If you have a desk job that requires long periods of sitting, try a 10-minute walk at lunch.
  • Take more “me time” and practice self-care. Taking time for yourself is not selfish. It does not have to be elaborate or time consuming. It can simply be preparing a healthy meal, getting an extra hour of sleep, attending your favorite yoga class, or taking a bubble bath.
  • Limit screen time. Cutting back on scrolling through social media, watching TV, or playing computer games may help boost your mood and enhance your physical and mental well-being.
  • Go grocery shopping regularly. Having a stocked pantry and fridge leads to preparing healthy and home-cooked meals.
  • Be present. Spending less time on your phone, noticing your environment, and listening intently to others are simple ways to be more present.
  • Stop negative talk. Make a resolution to engage in positive self-talk regularly and reduce negative talk. Make positive statements about yourself to yourself, which leads to boosted confidence, self-esteem, and overall well-being.

Creating a healthier relationship with yourself and taking care of your body and mind can drastically improve your overall health and well-being. Setting resolutions and sticking with them can be difficult but remember that small changes are still healthy changes. Set clear and realistic goals this year and surround yourself with supportive people who inspire you to make positive changes. Remember to be gentle with yourself and to take it one day at a time.

Need to talk or get immediate help in a crisis? Help is available. If you or a loved one need assistance, please reach out to:

  • The Suicide and Crisis Lifeline; call, text, or chat 988.
  • Nebraska Family Helpline – Any question, any time. (888) 866-8660.
  • Rural Response Hotline, (800) 464-0258.
  • Your faith-based leader, healthcare professional, or student health center on campus.

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