Dawson PPD’s board considers contract, load growth

Dawson PPD’s board considers contract, load growth
July 8th, 2024 | Dawson Public Power District

Dawson Public Power District’s regular board meeting was held on July 3, 2024.

Darin Bloomquist, General Manager of the Nebraska Electric Generation & Transmission Cooperative, gave an update on the organization’s work. Dawson PPD is one of its 20 members, using NE G&T’s services to study and negotiate the new wholesale power contract. Bloomquist stressed the importance of affordability and reliability for the future. He also reported that NE G&T has applied for a federal grant for clean energy systems. The grant application is still in a review process.

General Manager Gwen Kautz updated the board about Nebraska Public Power District’s load queue process. A waiting list has been established for new, industrial-sized projects that are requesting electrical service. This waiting list includes large electrical loads that will eventually buy power from Dawson PPD. NPPD plans to add electrical generation, but it takes years to build. Kautz explained that NPPD is committed to serving existing customers and their electrical load growth while supporting new economic development projects.

“It is important to note that smaller electrical loads, like a new home, irrigation or grain dryer service are not part of the load queue process. Those follow Dawson PPD’s standard process for a new service. Customers should call Dawson PPD when they are planning projects,” says Cole Brodine, Manager of Engineering.

Also discussed during the July board meeting:

  • In the financial report, total operating costs are 2% under budget and less than those in 2023.
  • The board did a final review of the Audit Report and unanimously approved it. It is posted on the District’s website.
  • A Net Billing Rider Rate was approved for customer owned generation.
  • Dawson PPD submitted a grant application to the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy. If awarded, Dawson PPD would use the funds for upgrades in the North Platte and Hershey area, where the new inland port is driving economic development.
  • Bloomquist told the board about the recent Mid-West Electric Consumers Association meeting. They announced that the cost of Western Area Power Administration energy, generated at Federal hydro facilities, will be increasing. Traditionally, WAPA provides low priced power during irrigation season.
  • Kautz discussed a proposed easement for an NPPD transmission line project at the Kearney office property.
  • Robb Hanna, Manager of Information Technology, reminded the group that cyber security is dependent on individuals. He encouraged the group to stay vigilant about emails and clicking on links.

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