Rate study conducted for York area landfill

Rate study conducted for York area landfill
August 8th, 2023 | Melanie Wilkinson

YORK – A rate study has been conducted for the York area landfill, to ensure enough revenue will come
in this next year and following years to keep up with the opening of new cells, maintaining the existing
cells and operating in the future.

Lori Calub from HDR met with the York City Council, to discuss the process and the fact they will likely be
recommending some rate increases.

HDR was hired by the city to conduct the study, during which they looked at expenditures, the escalating
costs of operations, increased inflation, site life, financial assurance requirements, ongoing capital
projects and equipment replacement.

She said they also looked at the quantities of materials being brought to the landfill, project costs, how
much material was going into different locations, and they spoke with staff about how much time was
being spent for each location and purpose.

“We looked at the waste percentages and rate averages, then came up with a rate structure over that
time period, based on this information,” Calub said.

It was also noted that in 10 years, capital expenditures will jump for expansion work.

“Our intent is to level it out, so the rates aren’t jumping around,” she said further.

She said they will be proposing some rate increases over the next few years.

“This is guidance to ensure you have enough revenue to cover the upcoming expenditures,” Calub
explained, “and construction cost spikes.”

“We also looked at regulatory requirements,” added York Public Works Director James Paul.

“Would recycling services help?” asked Councilmember Stephen Postier.

“We used to have recycling services but then the company that was running it for us pulled out,” Paul
recalled. “After that, I understand, there was difficulty in finding workers.”

Calub also noted the rates at the landfill haven’t changed in six years.

“We need to be mindful that as we encourage people to keep their yards and properties cleaned up, we
want to keep the fees and rates as low as possible,” Postier said.

“We will be looking at rates in a future meeting and during the budget process,” said Mayor Barry


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