If you were to look at me and my interests, you would think science fiction. You would be wrong for the most part. “Pish posh” I can hear you say. Clearly the Stache loves Lord of the Rings and Dungeons and Dragons, that must mean that you also enjoy the various Star Wars. Incorrect I say! While fantasy and science fiction often hold hands in the hearts of their fans, I tend to be firmly planted in fantasy.

A.G. Riddle’s Quantum Radio has changed that to a certain degree.

Quantum Radio is the story of four people wrapped in a cosmic adventure to save the multiverse, one universe at a time. Riddle does a fantastic job of setting the stakes early and keeps the action going throughout. He also gives us four unique characters that I fell in love with immediately. Ty, Tanaka, Maria, and Nora all bring something to the table as heroes working together in an unknown world and unknown situation.

This is an origin story, and while many people are tired of the constant resetting and relearning of characters’ beginnings, this was an exciting origin that feels like it has plenty of legs for future books. As I said, I’m not a sci-fi guy and I think that the only place that the book really started to lose me was when the more unknown future sci-fi stuff took over the driver seat. People who know more than you and refuse to tell you is not a trope that I jive with and that is front and center towards the end of this book.

A very enjoyable read that if I never picked up a sequel, I’d still be happy I read. I think this series could really turn into something special and could easily be turned into a movie or tv series. Well done A.G. Riddle!

4.25 stars out of 5.

Up next: Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo