Local Couple Building Indoor Batting Cage Complex in Downtown Scottsbluff

Local Couple Building Indoor Batting Cage Complex in Downtown Scottsbluff
May 30th, 2024 | Ryan Murphy

A local couple is swinging for the fences with a new business venture.

Jennifer and Martin Urdiales are in the process of renovating the old Downey Photography building on East 16th Street in Scottsbluff. The business will be called “The Dugout” and will serve as an indoor batting cages complex for the public to use.

“In general we want something that can help develop our youth, our college athletes and adults who still like to swing a bat every once in a while,” said Jennifer. “We plan on having a concession stands, we’re bringing the outside in, where you can come in and feel like you’re at the ball field.”

They were also successfully able to apply for and receive a Micro-TIF grant from the City Scottsbluff because the scope of the project checks all the boxes for requirements, including the age of the building, it being located in a blighted and substandard area, and the final value of the building will be below the $1.5 million threshold.


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