BOSR Offering Data Snapshots of Nebraskan Perspectives

BOSR Offering Data Snapshots of Nebraskan Perspectives
Oldfather Hall (right) houses the Bureau of Sociological Research.
February 10th, 2024 | Media Release

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Bureau of Sociological Research is launching the Nebraska Snapshot series — a topical look at Nebraskan perspectives from gold-standard survey research.

The reports, released every other month, will share data from the most recent Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, a yearly survey of Nebraskans conducted by the bureau. Historical data may be included, too, when necessary to the topic.

“The Nebraska Snapshot highlights what Nebraskans think, feel and do,” said Amanda Ganshert, assistant director for research and methods. “The snapshot series returns to what NASIS was originally designed for, which was to provide information to Nebraskans.”

The annual survey is used by researchers, state entities and policymakers, but also includes a core questionnaire that delves into demographics, quality of life measures, educational attainment and community satisfaction, among other variables. These core questions will inform most of the Nebraska Snapshot series, Ganshert said.

The first issue, which examines how Nebraskans feel about the direction of their state and country, is available now at Each Nebraska Snapshot will focus on one topic.

“The snapshot is a quick glance at what Nebraskans are thinking,” Ganshert said. “We hope the general public, and researchers and policymakers, will find it useful. Our first report shows some Nebraskans think their state is going in the wrong direction. That raises the question: What can we do to reach those groups who feel that way?”

In the first Nebraska Snapshot, 43% of Nebraska adults think the state is headed in the right direction, while 26% feel the state is going in the wrong direction and 31% feel unsure.

When asked about the direction of the United States, only 11% think the country is headed in the right direction, and 70% think the country is heading in the wrong direction, while 19% report being unsure.

Some additional highlights from the survey:

> Those over 65 are significantly more likely than younger adults to think that Nebraska is headed in the right direction: 48% of adults aged 65 and older feel that way, compared with 43% of 45- to 64-year-olds and 40% of those between 19 and 44.

> A majority of Republicans, 61%, think that Nebraska is heading in the right direction, compared to only 16% of Democrats and 41% of independents.

> People of color are significantly more positive than white respondents about the direction of the country (30% versus 9%), though large fractions of each group consider the country to be going in the wrong direction (74% of white adults, 48% of people of color).

> More than half (57%) of adults who live on a farm think Nebraska is headed in the right direction, compared to 49% of adults who live in open country and 41% of adults who live in a town or city.

All Nebraska Snapshots will be available at


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