Blair deals with after effects of overnight storms

Blair deals with after effects of overnight storms
May 24th, 2024 | Connie Green

Power for the northern section of Blair was restored around 12:25 this afternoon, power to the southern sections of Blair was restored around 8:30 this morning according to Blair City Administrator Phil Green. He says the city’s priorities are getting streets cleared and safe for travel, getting access to public facilities open and safe, assessing damage to public facilities and infrastructure, and clean up of the cemetery due to Memorial day this Monday. Additionally, Mayor Rump has authorized city residents to place tree debris at the curb for pickup by city employees – which will begin Monday, June 3rd. Also according to city officials, the Eriksen construction crane at the water treatment plant collapsed during the storm and into the roof of the plant, causing leaks. Eriksen is working to clean up the situation. The Recycling Center overhead door was blown in by last night’s winds, a temporary enclosure is being worked on until a door contractor can be hired. Due to the power outages today, the Washington County Court House and Justice Center is closed according to Sheriff Mike Robinson. Power was out at the Blair Memorial Community Hospital, but is now restored, the clinics are open for normal business hours.


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