KAAPA Ethanol Weekly Crop Progress Report | 9/23/24

KAAPA Ethanol Weekly Crop Progress Report | 9/23/24
September 23rd, 2024 | NASS/Susan Littlefield

Corn harvest is 14% complete around the nation with soybeans not far behind at 13%.

Compiled by Water Street Advisors:

Corn Dented 92%; 85% last week; 91% on average
Corn Mature 61%; 45% last week; 55% on average
Corn Harvested 14%; 9% last week; 11% on average
Corn Condition 65% G/E; 65% G/E last week, 53% last year
Soybeans Dropping Leaves 65%; 44% last week; 57% on average
Soybeans Harvested 13%; 6% last week; 8% on average
Soybean Conditions 64% G/E; 64% G/E last week; 50% G/E last year
Spring Wheat Harvested 96%; 92% last week; 95% on average
Winter Wheat Planted 25%; 14% last week; 24% on average
Winter Wheat Emerged 4%; 5% on average
Cotton Bolls Opening 63%; 54% last week; 60% on average
Cotton Harvested 14%; 10% last week; 12% on average
Cotton Condition 37% G/E; 39% G/E last week; 30% G/E last year

NEBRASKA: For the week ending September 22, 2024, there were 6.7 days suitable for fieldwork, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Topsoil moisture supplies rated 18% very short, 43% short, 38% adequate, and 1% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 14% very short, 43% short, 42% adequate, and 1% surplus.
Field Crops Report: Corn condition rated 5% very poor, 8% poor, 20% fair, 45% good, and
22% excellent. Corn dented was 96%, near 97% last year and 95% for the five-year average.
Mature was 66%, equal to last year, and ahead of 59% average. Harvested was 10%, near 13%
last year and 9% average.
Soybean condition rated 3% very poor, 8% poor, 23% fair, 48% good, and 18% excellent.
Soybeans dropping leaves was 75%, behind 82% last year, and equal to average. Harvested was
10%, near 11% last year and 9% average.
Winter wheat planted was 51%, near 49% last year, and ahead of 45% average. Emerged was
14%, near 12% last year, and ahead of 7% average.
Sorghum condition rated 0% very poor, 5% poor, 18% fair, 47% good, and 30% excellent.
Sorghum coloring was 97%, equal to last year, and near 95% average. Mature was 38%, near
40% both last year and average. Harvested was 2%, near 5% last year and 4% average.
Dry edible bean condition rated 3% very poor, 7% poor, 27% fair, 42% good, and 21% excellent.
Dry edible beans dropping leaves was 78%, ahead of 66% last year, but near 80% average.
Harvested was 46%, ahead of 32% last year, and near 45% average.
Pasture and Range Report: Pasture and range conditions rated 10% very poor, 23% poor, 30%
fair, 29% good, and 8% excellent.

KANSAS: For the week ending September 22, 2024, there were 5.7 days suitable for fieldwork, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Topsoil moisture supplies rated 15% very short, 40% short, 43% adequate, and 2% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 17% very short, 44% short, 38% adequate, and 1% surplus.
Field Crops Report: Winter wheat planted was 16%, near 15% last year and 17% for the fiveyear average. Emerged was 2%, near 3% both last year and average.
Corn condition rated 12% very poor, 18% poor, 32% fair, 30% good, and 8% excellent. Corn
dented was 98%, equal to last year, and near 95% average. Mature was 85%, near 84% last year,
and ahead of 71% average. Harvested was 41%, ahead of 35% last year and 26% average.
Soybean condition rated 5% very poor, 12% poor, 32% fair, 44% good, and 7% excellent.
Soybeans dropping leaves was 55%, behind 64% last year, but ahead of 47% average. Harvested
was 5%, near 9% last year and 4% average.
Sorghum condition rated 9% very poor, 14% poor, 39% fair, 33% good, and 5% excellent.
Sorghum coloring was 91%, near 87% both last year and average. Mature was 49%, ahead of
42% last year and 34% average. Harvested was 11%, near 10% last year, and ahead of 5%
Cotton condition rated 3% very poor, 20% poor, 37% fair, 35% good, and 5% excellent. Cotton
bolls opening was 66%, well behind 87% last year, but ahead of 53% average. Harvested was
1%, equal to both last year and average.
Sunflowers harvested was 2%, behind 8% last year, and equal to average.
Pasture and Range Report: Pasture and range conditions rated 10% very poor, 18% poor, 39%
fair, 29% good, and 4% excellent


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