Cattle Call

  • Big Basis Flip | 8/28/24 Cattle Call
    The futures markets responded positively early in the week to the August cattle on feed numbers, signaling optimism among traders. On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima of Kooima Kooima Varilek discusses the potential for higher cash prices by the end of the week, despite some weakness in boxed beef prices. As we approach the Labor Day weekend, there is hope for strong beef demand, which could further support the market and bolster cash prices.
  • Perception vs. Reality in the Trade | 8/14/24 Cattle Call
    Boxed beef prices were higher in the early part of the week, prompting a closer look at the overall cattle market through the lens of perception versus reality. On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima Kooima Varilek discusses how external factors, from the stock market to geopolitical issues, weighed on the market last week, but the anticipated "Armageddon" didn’t materialize. Looking ahead, cattle numbers in the North are expected to continue tightening, adding further pressure to the market.
  • Markets Gathering a lot of Noise | 8/7/24 Cattle Call
    The cattle market experienced a couple of ugly days, with significant noise affecting overall sentiment. Cash is currently up for grabs, with many bids being passed over in the North. It's essential to remember that the stock market is not the economy, though concerns about another black swan event persist. Amidst these worries, market participants remain cautious as they navigate the uncertain landscape.
  • Cattle Market Feels Tired | 7/31/24 Cattle Call
    The market tone feels tired for cattle, with cash expected to trade steady at worst this week. On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima Kooima Varilek talks kill cuts are becoming prominent as the industry strives to stay current with processing needs. Looking long term, there's growing concern about when the shortage of slaughter cattle will begin to add more pressure to the market. This potential shortage could lead to increased competition among buyers and higher prices, further complicating an already challenging market environment.
  • Question is: Are There Not Enough Cattle to Go Around? | 7/24/24 Cattle Call
    Cattle trade has been decent this week, with early steady cash activity out of the South, while the North might wait until Friday to finalize deals. On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima Kooima Varilek examines the factors influencing the trade. Many processing plants are shifting to 32-hour work weeks, highlighting the long-known issue of insufficient cattle supply. Additionally, external pressures from the stock market and fluctuations in the corn market are adding to the challenges faced by cattle producers.
  • Is a Seasonal Cattle Drop Underway? | 7/17/24 Cattle Call
    The old saying "when county fairs come around, so does the seasonal drop in the cattle market" rings true this year. On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima Kooima Varilek examines the early steady trade in the south that is setting the tone for the week. He discusses the steep discount in the trade and whether the pressure will come from the cattle on feed report. Additionally, word from the USDA is that the July Cattle Inventory report will not be released. Brad explores what this means for producers moving forward and how they might need to adjust their strategies without this critical data.
  • Algorithms and the Beef Trade | 7/10/24 Cattle Call
    "Why the drop?" "Is cash at a record high?" "What are packer margins?" These are just a few of the questions circulating in the cattle trade this week. On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima of Kooima Kooima Varilek delves into the trade action, examines boxed beef numbers, and discusses the influence of algorithms on the market. He explores how these factors are setting the market tone for the rest of the week, providing valuable insights for industry stakeholders.
  • Rock Solid Week of Cattle Sales | 7/3/24 Cattle Call
    Cattle producers experienced a strong week of selling opportunities as the demand for beef remained robust. On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima Kooima Varilek breaks down the moving factors in the trade. The Dodge City, KS plant is expected to be back online by Friday, alleviating some of the pressure on other plants that have been processing extra cattle to meet the surge. The fast pace of buying and processing has raised questions about the longevity of the current bull market, especially given the tighter cattle numbers in the northern regions.
  • Limited News Fails to Halt Cattle's Upward Trade | 6/26/24 Cattle Call
    Despite the absence of significant news, the cattle market saw an upward trend. On this week's Cattle Call, Brad Kooima with Kooima Kooima Varilek looks at contributing factors include smaller show lists and the earlier movement of cattle from feedlots.