Rural Nebraskan survives colorectal cancer, urges others to get tested early

March 10th, 2023

A rural Nebraskan, with the help of early detection, is now a colon cancer survivor and urges others to get tested by age 45.

Warren Fick of Bennett, NE, was diagnosed with stage one colon cancer, but since it was caught early, doctors were able to remove the cancerous polyps and Fick has had clean screens ever since.

For rural Nebraskans and those in the agriculture industry, Warren reminds people that taking care of your body is just like taking care of equipment.

“Just because they put their combines away at the end of harvest the year before, and it was working fine, doesn’t mean it’s going to work perfect for you the next year,” Fick said. “Our bodies are no different. If we just let stuff slide, eventually something is going to go wrong.”

March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.
