MacKenzie Scott Gift to 4-H to Strengthen Workforce

MacKenzie Scott Gift to 4-H to Strengthen Workforce
October 14th, 2022 | NAFB News Service

The National 4-H Council Thursday shared details of the $50 million unrestricted gift from writer and philanthropist MacKenzie Scott, announced in February. The gift will help close the opportunity gap for America’s youth.

Over the next five years, National 4-H Council will allocate $10 million to strengthen the 4-H workforce and optimize 4-H youth programming. The investment will accelerate 4-H’s ability to meet the needs of young people today and tomorrow while providing the professional development and training required to deliver quality, relevant and impactful programming.

The Board will preserve the remainder of the gift for the long term to ensure that National 4-H Council can sustain programs and activities that have the greatest benefits for 4-H youth development in the future and to ensure the gift’s enduring impact. The National 4-H Council Board made its investment decisions based on an inclusive process undertaken over six months with extensive input from Cooperative Extension and land-grant university leaders.


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