Dozens of FFA chapters around the United States are getting a new classroom resource for the 2024-25 school year as part of a Microsoft grant. The grant will help FFA members and advisors launch a new version of FarmBeats for Students, a hands-on education program built around precision agriculture that Microsoft developed in collaboration with the National FFA Organization.
This summer, FFA advisors will attend a training session hosted by Microsoft in select states. This technology will allow students to experience cutting-edge technology and participate in hands-on lessons.
FarmBeats for Students offers learners direct experience with topics like digital sensors, data analysis, and artificial intelligence (AI)—all through the lens of agriculture. The program consists of an affordable hardware kit and a free curriculum aligned with national educational standards, including the National Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources (AFNR) Career Standards. Hardware kits are centered on a micro:bit—a mini computer that’s the size of a credit card. Sensors connected to the micro:bit allow users to measure sunlight, air temperature, and soil moisture in their crops. This data enables them to see the relationship between environmental variables and also to make data-driven decisions about optimal growing conditions.