Larson’s on-farm research trials use sensors to measure impacts of fungicide in corn | 2022 Fridays in the Field | Ep. 14

August 5th, 2022

Bob Larson, a crop and dairy producer near Creston, Nebraska, is using sensors for measuring the temperature and humidity of fungicides on corn. 

Chad Moyer recently visited with Larson to learn more about his new equipment. 

In using the sensors, Larson hopes to find out what changes impact the plant when using fungicide. 

In addition, Larson uses new experiments to bring advancements to their daily operations. 

Within his operation, he’s experimented with using wheat as a cover crop for his organic soybean field and he utilizes a robotic milking system on his dairy. 

Larson’s dairy and farming operation go hand-in-hand. He uses his crops to feed his dairy cattle, and in turn, uses the manure to fertilize the crops. 

Learn more about Larson’s on-farm research trials in this week’s episode of Fridays in the Field.
