Becker’s: Nebraska average RN hourly rate 17th in U.S. adjusted for cost of living

Becker’s: Nebraska average RN hourly rate 17th in U.S. adjusted for cost of living
MGN Online
June 14th, 2024 | Scott Miller

Our state fares well in a recent nationwide ranking of the average hourly wage for registered nurses when adjusted for cost of living.

Among Nebraska and surrounding states, Becker’s Hospital Review says our state’s real average pay of $38.36 hourly adjusts upward to $42.57 an hour, 17th-best in the country, and is only surpassed by Wyoming at a $43.51 hourly adjusted rate that’s 14th.

California has the highest actual average pay in the U.S. at $66.20, and retained the top spot with a cost of living adjusted rate at $49.22.

Hawaii, which has the second highest actual average in the country at $57.55 came in last when that rate was adjusted for the cost of living, coming in at just $32.15


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