STACHE BOOK CLUB: The Tempest of Tea by Hafsah Faizal

The Tempest of Tea by Hafsah Faizal

We have our first DNF of the Stache Book Club! I am very disappointed to say that I got 55% of the way through “The Tempest of Tea” and could not continue. The worst part is that the pitch for this book is amazing! If you can’t tell by the color change up, I’m doing a spooky October vibe for the Stache Book Club and this was the first book in that vibe. This book is supposed to be a vampire heist with *winks* spice.


You’re telling me that I was going to have sexy vampires getting it on while planning a sneaky heist? Sign me up. And then get me off the ride because this book has issues.

Honestly, there are parts that I love. The description of the tea house being turned into a blood house early on is dynamic and exciting. The problem lies in the combination of heist and romance. It was as if the author couldn’t do them well together so tried to write one chapter heist, one chapter romance. To put it best, it’s messy. Messy mean confusing. Confusing means I do not care.

I listened to the audiobook and the narrator is good, but even as I was listening during long stretches, things just didn’t add up. Were there stakes? Who really knows!

I’m sad to DNF a book in this series but it had to be done. If you can keep things organized in your mind better than me, maybe you will enjoy this book more.

2.25 stars out of 5.