STACHE BOOK CLUB: The Housemaid by Freida McFadden

“The Housemaid” was recommended to me by listeners, friends and my wife, so to say that my expectations for this book were high would be accurate. This book absolutely underwhelmed and at the same time went above and beyond.

I couldn’t stand this book to begin with. Through the whole first half of this book I was met with moment after moment of frustration with characters and major plot events. The first half of the book is told from Millie’s (the maid) perspective and she is as unsympathetic of a main character I’ve ever read. An ex-con that spent a decade in prison but we don’t know why. What’s the point? The book later explains and I know in my heart that if we had gotten the explanation earlier, I would’ve been on her side from the get go. Instead, I’m spending the first half of the book disliking almost every character.

Then the twist happens. AND. IT. HITS.

I couldn’t put the second half of this book down. Nina (the wife) is the main character that I wanted in the first half. Her side of the story gives this story the heart and sympathy that was lacking in the first half. Freida McFadden is an incredible writer who, when she wants to, can make you crumble for a character. That’s what I did for the second half of this book. I was invested, I was hooked.

I firmly believe that this book would be better if all we got was Nina’s side of the story. But that’s for you to decide.

4 out of 5 stars