STACHE BOOK CLUB: The Guest List by Lucy Foley

The Guest List by Lucy Foley

There is something really special about a mystery. Mystery books were always my go to when I was a kid in school, but I’ve fallen away from the genre for any number of reasons. It could be that they all follow the same pattern, or their twists are nonsensical. The best mysteries find a way to switch up your expectations and still deliver a satisfying twist that feels earned.

The Guest List does this.

I highly recommend listening to the audiobook version of The Guest List. It doesn’t use a full cast but it does use a few voice actors to help separate the thoughts and opinions of different characters, and it does so to great effect. While the audiobook is nice, the reason why this book truly shines where many mysteries fall flat is because of the steady growth of chaos. It starts plainly enough. We learn about our different characters and learn basic things about them but with every new chapter, these characters spiral into a twisted web. It’s the slow spiral that hooks you in and keeps you wanting to read more.

Is this the perfect mystery? No. I mean we don’t even find out who died until almost the end of the book, but this book is clever and unexpected. It isn’t going to change your world, but this book does a good job of keeping the reader on the edge of knowing everything. It’s a fun ride.

3.75 out of 5 stars.