Nebraska’s Motorcycle Helmet Law Repealed

Nebraska’s Motorcycle Helmet Law Repealed
June 1st, 2023 | Unicameral Update / KNEB News Staff

Transportation and Telecommunications Committee clean-up bill that includes a provision to remove the state’s helmet law for riders age 21 and older passed the final round of debate May 31.

LB138, originally introduced by former Sen. Suzanne Geist and now sponsored by Lincoln Sen. Carolyn Bosn, is an annual clean-up measure to align state transportation law with federal requirements.

The bill includes provisions of Blair Sen. Ben Hansen’s LB91, which allows an individual age 21 and older who has completed a certified motorcycle safety course to choose whether or not to wear a helmet, provided the rider uses protective eye equipment.

It also includes provisions of Gordon Sen. Tom Brewer’s LB199 to create a new driving privilege card to serve as a license to operate a motor vehicle for individuals who are assigned parolee immigration status by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

The bill passed 41-0 with the emergency clause, meaning it would take effect immediately upon the signature of the Governor; however, the language of the amendment related to motorcycle helmet usage would not take effect until January 1, 2024.


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