A big day yesterday afternoon at Oregon Trail Park Stadium as the Western Nebraska Pioneers, in their seventh year of operation, earned the 250th win in franchise history!
The Pioneers won their 11th straight game as they swept their home series from the Dodge City A’s with a 9-4 win.
The Pioneers tonight will start a two game series on the road at the Fort Collins Foxes tonight before returning home for two against the Foxes on Sunday and Monday.
Weekend schedule
- Friday: Pioneers at Ft. Collins, 6:05 pm – Broadcast on KNEB 960/100.3 FM & KNEBam.com at 5:50
- Saturday: Pioneers at Ft. Collins, 6:05 pm – Broadcast on KNEB 960/100.3 FM & KNEBam.com at 5:50
- Sunday: Ft. Collins at Pioneers, 5:05 pm – Broadcast on KNEB 960/100.3 FM & KNEBam.com at 4:50
- Monday: Ft. Collins at Pioneers, 6:35 pm – Broadcast on KNEB 960/100.3 FM & KNEBam.com at 6:20