Rural Radio Forum


“Schools and the pandemic: how education can coexist with COVID-19” is the topic of the next rural radio forum. Special guests include: Nebraska Department of Education Commissioner Matt Blomstead, Director of the Nebraska School Education Association Jenni Benson, Director of the NSAA Jay Bellar and more. We dove into education in Nebraska during the pandemic. The difficulties of making decisions to go back to school, along with how things may look this academic year.
Click Here to Listen

The 2020 Census

The 2020 Census was the topic of the May 19, 2020 Rural Radio Forum. Guests of the program included Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts, UNK Professor Dr. Peter Longo, a representative from the Center of Public Affairs and more. We learned about the importance of the census, the impacts on rural communities notably on the agriculture sector, challenges faced by officials to ensure everyone is counted and more.

The Opioid Crisis
With Nebraska Attorney General, Doug Petersen; Professor Tina Chasek, Clinician Patrick Hall, and others to learn more about this history of this epidemic, what opioids do to the body, why they’re so addictive, what communities and states are doing to respond to this issue, and more. The Opioid Crisis, sponsored by Ag West Commodities on the next Rural Radio Forum.

Human Infrastructure Issues in Rural Nebraska
On Tuesday, November 5, 2019, the Rural Radio Forum, tackled the topic of “Human Infrastructure Issues in Rural Nebraska”. The forum discussed significant human infrastructure concerns in rural areas. Guests of this special program included Nebraska State Senator Matt Williams, UNK Chancellor Doug Kristensen, and others.

Agri-Tourism, A New Twist on Nebraska’s 3rd Largest Industry

Agri-Tourism in Nebraska was the topic of this rural radio forum. We visited with entrepreneurs from around the state to get a behind-the-scenes look at successful operations, what’s drawing people to visit Nebraska, why Nebraskans are staying in the state for recreational activities, how to start your own operation, and more. Nebraska Agri-Tourism, “A New Twist on Nebraska’s 3rd Largest Industry”.

UNL 150 Years
Click Here to listen to the podcast.

Nebraska Manufacturing
Guests of this special program include Bryan Slone (Nebraska Chamber of Commerce President), Jared Pettit, Scott Miller (CCC Instructors) and Justin Troudt (Orthman’s Manufacturing).
Click Here to listen to the podcast.

Stress in Agriculture…You’re Not Alone:

Producers are under increasing stress from storm damage to crops, low commodity prices, uncertainty in international trade. Though traditionally reluctant to seek assistance, there is help available that is confidential and accessible too.  The program will feature interviews with the Rural Response Hotline and mental health experts who have a focus on issues unique to producers and rural Nebraskans. Click Here to listen to the entire podcast.

Rural Economic Development:

With economic development presenting a challenge for Nebraska’s next generation, the Rural Radio Network hosted a special hour-long program on May 1st, 2018 focusing on Rural Economic Development. The program explored economic successes and challenges in western, central and eastern Nebraska in three roundtable discussions and featured a closing overview from State Economic Development Deputy Director for Programs Dan Curran. Rhe broadcast was heard on 880 AM KRVN-Lexington, 960 AM KNEB-Scottsbluff, 840 AM KTIC-West Point, 1370 AM/103.5 FM KAWL York and 1340 AM/95.7 FM KSID Sidney.
Click to listen to the entire podcast.

Nebraska Property Tax:

The February 6th Rural Radio Forum will spotlight property taxes, particularly with agricultural land.   We’ll spotlight three major proposals in the Legislature that addresses the issue.   Studio guests will include UNL Ag Economist Brad Lubben and Extension Ag Economist Jim Jansen. Click here to listen to the entire podcast of Rural Radio Forum-“Nebraska’s Property Tax”

Rural Immigration:

Bob Brogan hosts “Rural Immigration” with guests: Dr. Eric Thompson, Karl H Nelson Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Director of the Bureau of Business Research and a Rural Futures Institute Faculty Fellow. Dr. Athena Ramos, Community Health Program Manager, College of Public Health, University of Nebraska Medical Center, and the Center for Reducing Health Disparities. She is a Rural Futures Institute Faculty Fellow from the University of Nebraska Medical Center speaking to “Rural Narratives on Welcoming Communities” and “Understanding Hispanics & Sense of Community” Emiliano Lerda, Executive Director of Justice For Our Neighbors-Nebraska since 2011. He holds his Juris Doctorate from Drake University Law School with certificates including Food & Agriculture Law, and International Comparative & Human Rights Law. He was an adjunct professor in Immigration, Law & Latinos in 2012 and 2013 at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. He describes his passion as building sustainable organizations that make a positive impact in the community. Click here to listen to the entire podcast of Rural Radio Forum…”Rural Immigration”

Rural Healthcare:
The topic of the second Rural Radio Forum was Rural Healthcare. We explored proposed healthcare legislation and how might impact rural Nebraska and what are some effects being felt from the current Affordable Care Act. There was also be discussion on how Nebraska healthcare facilities are faring or adapting to healthcare regulations. Click here to listen to the entire podcast of Rural Radio Forum…”Rural Healthcare”

Farm Succession Planning:
Rural citizens have much at stake in the challenges on the farm and ranch…the weakening economy, threatening trade and tax policy, over-reaching laws, regulations. Your Rural Radio Association takes the next proactive step in addressing important issues with the Rural Radio Forum. We’ll interview experts, and take real questions to get real answers to your concerns. The first forum was Tuesday, May 2nd,  when we discussed Farm Succession.  Allan Vyhnalek joined Farm Director Joe Gangwish.  Click here to listen to the entire podcast of Rural Radio Forum…”Farm Succession Planning”

About Allan Vyhnalek-

Allan Vyhnalek has spent 30 years in Extension working in both Iowa and Nebraska.  He is a native of Saline County, Nebraska.  Vyhnalek received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science Degrees from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln in Agricultural Education.  He taught in high school and post-secondary classrooms for 8 ½ years prior to joining Extension.

Allan currently works in the area of Farm Management and Ag Economics.  He provides programming in Ag Marketing, Farm Leases, Landlord/Tenant Relationships, Farm Transition, and Estate Planning.  His work has taken him to all areas of the state in the last couple of years.

He has a passion for the future of rural Nebraska.  That is why he is interested in helping individuals, groups, and communities understand good communications and generational differences as it relates to how communities and families function.